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by Peggy Garrity (Author)
Peggy Garrity began her life as a small-town Irish Catholic girl in the Midwest. Initially convent-bound, she became determined to escape a life like her mother's, and in the mid-1970s she reinvented herself as a high-profile Los Angeles trial lawyer and single mother of four. At a time when there were virtually no women solo practitioners, she represented David against Goliath--and risked it all in the process. Including compelling courtroom dramas featuring would-be presidential assassin Sara Jane Moore, celebrities Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke, and Cheryl Tiegs, and some of Los Angeles's most notorious murder cases, In the Game is the groundbreaking story of a thrill-seeking solo trial lawyer--and single mother--who beat the odds at a time when working mothers, especially those in male-dominated professions like the law, faced the gauntlet of discrimination.
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