BooksCloud Shopify App - COMING SOON
Choose from over 1.9 million books in every conceivable topic to fill out your Shopify store. We will ship them for you to your customers. You price the books as they make sense for your niche store.
See a sampling of the books available for your Shopify store in our Shopify store.
Some of our Thousands of Topics

Books by splitShops for Online Retailers
Effortlessly expand your Shopify store with a wide selection of relevant books
With over 1.9 million books to choose from 32K+ publishers for your Shopify store, you can easily expand your product offerings with relevant books.
Streamline your business with hassle-free book shipping
Without having to hold stock or ship books simplify your business with our end-to-end book fulfillment and deliver capabilities.
Reach and convert more shoppers and expand margins by enhancing their online shopping experience.
Increase your average cart value when customers are presented with books relevant to your niche at the time of purchase.