by S?neca (Author), Pere Ginard (Illustrator)
Dedicado a Ner?n a comienzos de su reinado, este tratado constituye una loa a su personalidad, pero tambi?n una muestra del camino ideal para el buen gobernante, aquel que pudo seguir el emperador cuando todav?a admit?a consejo. "Sobre la clemencia" nos habla del valor y el ejercicio de la virtud, pero sobre todo es uno de los primeros y m?s preciados «espejos de pr?ncipes de nuestra literatura.
Dedicated to Nero at the beginning of his reign, this treatise is a praise to his personality, but also a sample of the ideal path for the good ruler, the one that the emperor could follow when he still accepted advice. "On Clemency" speaks to us of the value and exercise of virtue, but above all it is one of the first and most precious "mirrors of princes" in our literature.Author Biography
S?neca fue uno de los intelectuales m?s importantes del Imperio Romano. Naci? en C?rdoba, en el a?o 4 a.C., en el seno de una familia acomodada de la alta sociedad. Su educaci?n en gram?tica y ret?rica y su fama pronto lo llevaron a Roma y le brindaron roles de poder en el senado. El cargo m?s destacable de su vida pol?tica fue, sin duda, su papel como consejero de Ner?n durante un mandato complicado, en el que el fil?sofo encubri? los cr?menes del joven emperador y toler? su car?cter desp?tico.
Pere Ginard es ilustrador y cineasta y su trabajo se basa en la exploraci?n del movimiento perpetuo y la creaci?n melanc?lica de duelos, triunfos, monstruos, prodigios y arrebatos m?sticos, as? como observaciones a veces inacabadas de cosas que giran hacia el sol y de personas rubias de pelo ondulado con tendencia a la calvicie. Ha expuesto sus filmes y dibujos en numerosas salas de arte y festivales tanto nacionales como internacionales, publicado diversos libros y ganado premios relacionados con la fotograf?a, la ilustraci?n y el mundo audiovisual.
Seneca was one of the most important intellectuals of the Roman Empire. He was born in C?rdoba, in the year 4 BC, in the bosom of a wealthy family of high society. His education in grammar and rhetoric and his fame soon brought him to Rome and gave him roles of power in the senate. The most notable position in his political life was, without a doubt, his role as Nero's advisor during a complicated mandate, in which the philosopher covered up the crimes of the young emperor and tolerated his despotic character. Pere Ginard is an illustrator and filmmaker and his work is based on the exploration of perpetual motion and the melancholic creation of duels, triumphs, monsters, prodigies and mystical outbursts, as well as sometimes unfinished observations of things turning towards the sun and of blonde people with wavy hair with a tendency to baldness. He has exhibited his films and drawings in numerous art galleries and festivals both national and international, published several books and won photography, illustration, and audiovisual related awards.
Number of Pages: 96
Dimensions: 0.55 x 9.13 x 6.14 IN
Publication Date: January 01, 2025