34507 books
Bruce Lee's Way: The Art Of A Modern Day Warrior - Paperback
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by David Holman (Author)Warriors from different cultures and eras have demonstrated an unyielding ability to thrive amidst adversities, exhibiting qualities like courage, discipline, and honor. These principles are timeless, transcending the boundaries of history and geography. For instance, the disciplined honor of the samurai, the resilience of the Spartans, and the chivalrous courage of the knights, all offer lessons that are incredibly relevant today. These stories are not just tales of v...
What Was Bolshevism? - Paperback
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by Lars T. Lih (Author)How did the Bolsheviks see themselves? What grand narrative gave meaning to their revolutionary aspirations? The leading Western expert on Bolshevism, Lars T. Lih, answers these questions in the first-ever study of the Bolshevik outlook from Lenin to perestroika. Sharply focused case studies allow individual leaders - Lenin, Stalin, Bukharin, Trotsky, Zinoviev- to come alive and speak in their own voices, with surprising results that challenge conventional narratives le...
Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on His Philosophy and Its Legacy - Hardcover
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by Andree Hahmann (Editor), Michael Vazquez (Editor)Few philosophers present themselves with as much complexity as Marcus Tullius Cicero. At once a philosopher, statesman, orator, and lawyer, Cicero consciously fashioned his own image for posterity and wrote philosophical texts as invitations for his readers to think for themselves. His philosophy has continued to unfold over the centuries, repeatedly inspiring new and independent philosophical positions. Since J.G.F. Powell's pivotal contrib...
Creation and Contemplation: The Cosmology of the Qur'ān and Its Late Antique Background - Paperback
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by Julien Decharneux (Author) In Creation and Contemplation, Julien Decharneux explores the connections between the cosmology of the Qur'ān and various cosmological traditions of Late Antiquity, with a focus on Syriac Christianity. The first part of the book studies how, in exhorting its audience to contemplate the world, the Qur'ān carries on a tradition of natural contemplation that had developed throughout Late Antiquity in the Christian world. In this regard, the analysis suggests partic...
Calm in the Storm: Stoic Lessons from Marcus Aurelius for Today's World - Paperback
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by Maxwell P. Moore (Author)Discover Timeless Wisdom for Modern LivesAmidst the storm of daily chaos, where do you find your calm? Dive into a world where ancient wisdom meets the modern era with "Calm in the Storm: Stoic Lessons from Marcus Aurelius for Today's World." Allow revered philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius to be your guide, teaching you how to navigate and thrive in today's relentless pace.Uncover the profound relevance of Stoicism in our fast-paced world. Learn from Marcus Aurel...
The Analysis of Mind - Paperback
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by Bertrand Russell (Author)Unlock the secrets of the human mind with Bertrand Russell's The Analysis of Mind, a landmark in philosophy and psychology. This influential work offers profound insights into perception, memory, consciousness, and the intricate relationship between philosophy and psychology. Russell's thoughtful exploration lays the groundwork for modern cognitive science and philosophical inquiry, making it a must-read for anyone fascinated by human thought and behavior.Bertrand ...
Nicomachean Ethics (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) - Hardcover
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by Aristotle (Author) Collector's Edition Laminated Hardback with Jacket What does it mean to live a truly good life? Aristotle tackles this age-old question in Nicomachean Ethics, guiding readers through the pursuit of happiness by cultivating virtues. With sharp insights on justice, friendship, and human nature, Aristotle reveals how balancing desires and actions leads to lasting fulfillment. His wisdom offers a captivating journey into understanding ethical behavior, making this work a tim...
The Analects of Confucius (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) - Hardcover
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by Confucius (Author)The Analects of Confucius is a collection of teachings and sayings attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his disciples, compiled after his death. The text, structured as a series of dialogues and reflections, conveys Confucius's philosophy on morality, government, personal conduct, and the ideal qualities of a virtuous person. Through concise, memorable statements, The Analects presents a framework for ethical living that has profoundly influenced Chinese th...
Walden (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) - Hardcover
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by Henry David Thoreau (Author) Collector's Edition Laminated Hardback with Jacket Walden, written by Henry David Thoreau, chronicles his two-year experiment in simple living at Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau explores themes of self-reliance, spirituality, and the importance of nature by reflecting on his daily life, scientific observations, and philosophical insights. Living in a cabin he built himself, he immerses in the natural world, observing seasonal changes, wildlife,...
El Sutra del Diamante - Hardcover
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by Autri Books (Author)El Sutra del Diamante: La Perfecci?n de la Sabidur?aEn esta profunda exploraci?n de la filosof?a budista, El Sutra del Diamante ilumina las ense?anzas esenciales de Buda sobre la sabidur?a, la compasi?n y el desapego. Presentado como un di?logo entre el Buda y su disc?pulo Subhuti, este texto atemporal desaf?a nuestras percepciones convencionales del yo, la realidad y la interconexi?n de todos los seres.Cada cap?tulo ofrece ideas pr?cticas sobre el camino del bodhisattv...
Stoicism for Kids: 50 Inspiring Tales to Help Young Minds Thrive - Paperback
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by Rachel Grey (Author)Discover the power of ancient Stoic wisdom designed especially for young hearts and minds! Through 50 inspiring tales, this book invites kids to explore what it means to be resilient, confident, and kind, even when faced with life's everyday challenges. Each story is crafted to nurture qualities like patience, self-control, gratitude, and courage, helping children build a foundation of strength and positivity that will support them through any situation. With relatable ...
Metaphysics for Everyone: Interviews with Bruno B?rard - Hardcover
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by Bruno B?rard (Author), Annie Cid?ron (Author)Metaphysics for Everyone is the first in an exciting new series of interviews with prolific French religious philosopher and metaphysician Bruno B?rard, whose work Angelico Press first introduced to anglophone readers with the publication in 2018 of his important work, A Metaphysics of the Christian Mystery: An Introduction to the Work of Jean Borella. Further volumes of this series will include Theology for Everyone, Esotericism for Everyone, J...
What Matter Feels: Consciousness, Energy and Physics (How Science can Explain Minds) - Hardcover
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by Robert Pepperell (Author)Does matter feel? Do flowers enjoy blooming? Do springs dislike being stretched? Modern science denies that matter feels anything at all, let alone pleasure or pain. But modern science is yet to explain how anything can feel-even us.In What Matter Feels, Robert Pepperell PhD-a UK-based professor of interdisciplinary research-presents an innovative scientific framework that explores how consciousness might emerge from material systems.By rethinking foundational pri...
Satanaeon - Paperback
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by Jason Reza Jorjani (Author)In Satanaeon, Jorjani takes the subject of UFO (UAP) Disclosure and its connection to psychic phenomena and the paranormal in general as his point of departure, arguing that what is at stake is far more apocalyptic than any revelation of ET contact. Rather, Jorjani contends that on the other side of the "phenomenon" is a diabolical intelligence that manages a simulacrum in which we are ensconced. Moreover, he thinks that we are about to come up against the comput...
Pursuing Moral Faithfulness: Ethics and Christian Discipleship - Paperback
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by Gary Tyra (Author)
Number of Pages: 304
Dimensions: 0.69 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: December 03, 2024
Not A, Not Be, &c - Paperback
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by Lance Strate (Author)
Number of Pages: 190
Dimensions: 0.52 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: December 07, 2024
Walking - Paperback
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by Henry David Thoreau (Author)A meandering ode to the simple act and accomplished art of taking a walk. Profound and humorous, companionable and curmudeonly, Walking, by America's first nature writer, is your personal and portable guide to the activity that, like no other, awakens the senses and the soul to the "absolute freedom and wildness" of nature.Back JacketA meandering ode to the simple act and accomplished art of taking a walk. Profound and humorous, companionable and curmudgeonly. W...
Life of the Bee - Paperback
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by Maurice Maeterlinck (Author)The Nobel Prize winner offers brilliant proof that "no living creature, not even man, has achieved in the center of his sphere, what the bee has achieved." From their amazingly intricate feats of architecture to their intrinsic sense of self-sacrifice, Maeterlinck takes a "bee's-eye view" of the most orderly society on Earth.
Number of Pages: 356
Dimensions: 0.79 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: July 30, 2009
A Season with Marianne: The Last Surrealist - Paperback
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by Alain Segura (Author), Anna O'Meara (Translator), Sarah Lynne Roberts (Translator)A memoir of the infamous "last Surrealist" amid the heady militancy of May '68.Alain Segura was a teenage anarchist in Paris during the mid-to-late 1960s when he hung around with members of the Enrag?eacute;s and the Situationist International. He was particularly captivated by Yugoslavian militant, poet, and painter Marianne Ivsic, a member of Andr? Breton's Surrealist group. It was Guy Debord who approvingl...
Metaphysical Hermeneutics - Hardcover
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by Jean Grondin (Author)If in its simplest form, hermeneutics is a quest for understanding, then part of that quest will always include striving to understand being and the meaning of being. This open access book takes that ambition seriously, arguing that hermeneutics and metaphysics, so central to philosophical thought but so rarely put in tandem, are two complementary fundamentals of human existence.Metaphysical Hermeneutics puts forward the argument for a hermeneutical metaphysics in serv...
Amor plat?nico - Paperback
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by Hans Kelsen (Author)A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, Viena era la capital cultural de Europa. En esta ciudad se produjeron notables progresos en todos los campos del saber humano y se origin? el movimiento psicoanal?tico de Sigmund Freud.En su juventud, Hans Kelsen acudi? a las tertulias ofrecidas por el padre del psicoan?lisis. M?s a?n, dictar?a algunas conferencias durante estas reuniones.En 1933 se public? la primera versi?n de Amor plat?nico bajo el t?tulo de "Die platonisc...
The Corpus Hermeticum (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) - Hardcover
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by Hermes Trismegistus (Author) Collector's Edition Laminated Hardback with Jacket Ancient wisdom meets divine revelation as a seeker of knowledge delves into the mysteries of the universe, the nature of the divine, and the essence of the human soul. Through dialogues with powerful cosmic forces, the reader is guided through profound reflections on creation, the soul's journey, and humanity's place within a grand cosmic order. Alchemical and mystical symbols unfold in layered teachings, bridg...
Rumors About God - Paperback
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by Christopher de Vinck (Author)'the inner thoughts and inner sanctum of the reality and disguised essence of God. A philosophical, metaphysical and eclectic observance reduced to grey matter then to writing and then to poetry. And that is just the tip of the iceburg in this well-crafted and in-depth poetic offering that scratches at the surface then delve into the heart and soul of the reader. headfirst and without hesitation, Excerpt from I HEARD RUMORS "I heard God plays a violin/ Made of ...
The Normativity of Law - Hardcover
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by Michael Giudice (Author)In the philosophy of law there has been a proliferation of advanced work in the last thirty years on the normativity of law. Recent theories explore law's character as a special kind of convention, shared cooperative activity, and social artifact, among other perspectives, to explain the precise way in which law provides subjects with reasons for action. Yet, for all their sophistication, such accounts fail to deliver on their promise, which is to establish how law ...
The Sickness Unto Death: A Modern Translation for the 21st Century - Hardcover
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by S?ren Kierkegaard (Author), Chris Ball (Translator)
Number of Pages: 154
Dimensions: 0.44 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: November 02, 2024
Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order - Paperback
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by Penelope Deutscher (Editor), Cristina LaFont (Editor)We live in critical times. We face a global crisis in economics and finance, a global ecological crisis, and a constant barrage of international disputes. Perhaps most dishearteningly, there seems to be little faith in our ability to address such difficult problems. However, there is also a more positive sense in which these are critical times. The world's current state of flux gives us a unique window of opportunity for shaping a new in...
The Poverty of Our Freedom: Essays 2012 - 2019 - Hardcover
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by Axel Honneth (Author)There is no normative concept more appealing today than the idea of individual freedom. Political party manifestos are drawn up, legal reforms are defended, military interventions are undertaken, even decisions in personal relationships are justified - all in the name of individual freedom. But our understanding of freedom is impoverished if we try to grasp its essence merely in terms of the subjective rights of the individual.In his new book, Axel Honneth shows that w...
The Moral Nexus - Paperback
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by R. Jay Wallace (Author)A new way of understanding the essence of moral obligation The Moral Nexus develops and defends a new interpretation of morality--namely, as a set of requirements that connect agents normatively to other persons in a nexus of moral relations. According to this relational interpretation, moral demands are directed to other individuals, who have claims that the agent comply with these demands. Interpersonal morality, so conceived, is the domain of what we owe to each o...
The Fifth Gospel - Paperback
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by Rudolf Steiner (Author), Frank Thomas Smith (Translator), James D. Stewart (Editor)
Number of Pages: 144
Dimensions: 0.31 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: December 15, 2024
Two Souls and a Body: What Every Educated Person Knew to be True and How the Educated Christian Developed Christianity in Hellenistic Times, - Paperback
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by David Elliott (Author)Why do Christians believe what they believe? The early Christians contested their theology for 300 hundred years in Greek and Roman Hellenistic culture. Not surprisingly, the educated Christian, priest, and bishop developed his theology based on what everyone knew to be true: the Hellenistic science and philosophy that was taught at school and university. We now know what was taught and where the Christian theologian started his quest to understand Jesus and the Bible...
The Heidegger Dictionary - Hardcover
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by Daniel O. Dahlstrom (Author)What does Heidegger mean by 'Dasein'? What does he say in Being and Time? How does his phenomenology differ to that of his teacher, Husserl? Answering these questions and more, The Heidegger Dictionary provides students with all the tools they need to better understand one of the most influential yet complex philosophers of the 20th century. Easy to use and navigate, this book is divided into four main parts, covering Heidegger's life, ideas and innovative termi...
Trapped in the Present Tense: Meditations on American Memory - Paperback
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by Colette Brooks (Author)For readers of Rebecca Solnit and Jenny Odell, this poetic and inventive blend of history, memoir, and visual essay reflects on how we can resist the erasure of our collective memory in this American century Our sense of our history requires us to recall the details of time, of experiences that help us find our place in the world together and encourage us in the search for our individual identities. When we lose sight of the past, our ability to see ourselves and to ...
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