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by Matthew M. Radmanesh (Author)RF and Microwaves is currently in the forefront as a fundamental technology in numerous industrial and commercial applications. As applications of RF and microwaves continue to evolve and as this technology becomes a common factor in the scientific and engineering communities it is impera-tive that university students and practicing scientists and engineers become thoroughly familiar with the measurement principles, electronics, and design fundamentals under-ly...
Regular price $8.10
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by George Plechanoff (Author)In reprinting Anarchism and Socialism, by George Plechanoff, we realize that there is not the same need for assailing and exposing anarchism at present as there has been at different times in the past. Yet the book is valuable, not merely because of its historic interest but also to workers coming into contact with the revolutionary movement for the first time. The general conception of anarchism that a beginner often gets is that it is something extremely advance...
Regular price $26.98
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by Wes Burgess (Author)The Gateless Gate of Zen is a traditional collection of stories and essays, called koans, that were used by the ancient priests to teach Zen to their students. It contains the complete comments and verses of the original Chinese Zen masters from the 1228 edition, now in modern language. The Gateless Gate deepens Zen understanding and helps bring the experience of Zen inspiration and clarity into your daily life. Its recurring theme is the attainment of satori, a mental ...
Regular price $14.78
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by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Author)El Anticristo, es una de las ltimas obras del fil sofo. Nietzsche identifica en el cristianismo todo el mal social, por cuya causa el mundo sufre, y el mal moral, que oprime al hombre. San Pablo utiliz a las masas y oprimidos para tomar el poder, y del mismo modo act an los socialistas en la poca en que Nietzsche escribe. A estos, como sobre todo a los anarquistas, el fil sofo los considera -peyorativamente- como nuevos cristianos aut nticos. El crist...
Regular price $18.90
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by Gianfranco Savino (Author)This essay on Gregory Bateson attempts a reading of his thought from a purely philosophical-ontological standpoint. The epistemological issues raised by Bateson are interpreted as intimately connected to Heidegger's problem of overcoming of metaphysics and question concerning the Sense of Being. Bateson's setting of mind/body question, his formal definition of the concept of 'mind' and his interpretation of phenomena related to the sacred and the functioning of me...
Regular price $37.75
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by Margaret R. O'Leary (Author)Upon Mademoiselle Louise Humann's death in 1836, a distraught Abbé Théodore Ratisbonne said of his spiritual mother, "Here lays this sweet, strong Christian who, from the depths of her quiet, secluded home, has exercised more influence on the world of her time than will ever be known!" Yet in an era when women had few opportunities to excel or contribute to society outside the home, how did this brilliant and pious French mystic help re-Christianize France follo...
Regular price $34.56
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by Jim Howard (Author)What Is a Man? Biologically, we are animals--homo sapiens. But men are different, born with consciousness, reason, free will, notions of morality, and other characteristics of what we call "human nature." Why are we different? Were we created by God or are we just accidents of nature? Are you a child of the King or just a child of King Kong? This is a book of apologetics for laypeople. It looks at arguments for the existence of God and especially at those arguments that ...
Regular price $28.93
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by Francis O'Gorman (Author)Worrying: A Literary and Cultural History suggests a unique approach to the inner life and its ordinary pains. Francis O'Gorman charts the emergence of our contemporary idea of worry in the Victorian era and its establishment, after the First World War, as a feature of modernity. For some writers between the Wars, worry was the "disease of the age." Worrying examines the everyday kind of worry-the fearful, non-pathological, and usually hidden questioning about unce...
Regular price $34.02
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by Falokun Fatunmbi (Author)Ofo'se is a book of 35 compelling essays exploring the Ifa Tradition through the eyes of an initiated Ifa priest for over 26 years experience. Awo Falokun Fatumnbi shares insights and contemplations on a number of topics from Ifa Theology, Epistemology, Spiritual Forces, development of Good Character, and more. Awo Falokun is known for delivering highly esoteric information about the Ifa tradition in Africa and making it understandable in everyday language for west...
Regular price $9.43
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by Eddie Coronado (Author)This book includes 250 affirmations for manifesting love AND it includes a number of visualization scripts and success stories that will empower you to manifest your soul mate! If you have read my other books you know that I am a firm believer in the fact that the Law of Attraction always responds to persistent, committed action. It does so because it is a spiritual law that responds to human belief in the same way that the laws of nature respond to all who use them...
Regular price $13.48
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by Clay Roueche (Author)The Book of Indomitable Virtues is a positive collection of the author's thoughts written at different times during a process of discovery and development. These thoughts are compounded into the form of 38 virtues. Along with eight additional philosophical opinions on different subjects. Within each setting, there are symbolic drawings that the author has personally designed or drawn to go with the matching themes. This book was developed to help people from all walks ...
Regular price $12.08
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by J. M. Kennedy (Translator), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Author)Friedrich NietzscheOn The Future of our Educational InstitutionsTranslated, With Introduction, ByJ.M. KennedyThis book is intended for calm readers, --for men who have not yet been drawn into the mad headlong rush of our hurry-skurrying age, and who do not experience any idolatrous delight in throwing themselves beneath its chariot-wheels. It is for men, therefore, who are not accustomed to estimate the value of everything acc...
Regular price $64.78
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by Miguel De Unamuno (Author)This is the masterpiece of Miguel de Unamuno, a member of the group of Spanish intellectuals and philosophers known as the "Generation of '98," and a writer whose work dramatically influenced a wide range of 20th-century literature. His down-to-earth demeanor and no-nonsense outlook makes this 1921 book a favorite of intellectuals to this day, a practical, sensible discussion of the war between faith and reason that consumed the twentieth century and continues to ...
Regular price $18.70
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by Francis Bacon (Author)One of the great minds of the English Renaissance, Francis Bacon was a scholar, politician, and early advocate of scientific thinking who set no limits on the scope of his enquiries. In these compact and vibrant essays, Bacon addresses an astonishingly diverse range of subjects including religion, politics, personal relationships, morality and even architecture. Evident throughout the volume is his considerable rhetorical skill, incisive wit, and an unwavering belief ...
Regular price $97.18
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by Steven M. Cahn (Editor), Christine Vitrano (Editor)Happiness has long been a focus of attention for philosophers as well as psychologists. This volume, the only collection devoted to the subject from the standpoint of philosophy, offers twenty-seven classic and contemporary readings exploring the nature of happiness. Part I, a survey of the ways happiness has been treated throughout the history of ethics, includes writings by Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Seneca, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, T...
Regular price $17.53
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by Henry Hazlitt (Author)Way to Will-Power By Henry Hazlitt Contents I--A RevelationII--The Intellect as a ValetIII--The Price One PaysIV--Old Bottles for the New WineV--Resolutions Made and Resolutions KeptVI--Success and the Capital SVII--The Scale of ValuesVIII--Controlling One's ThoughtsIX--The Omnipresence of HabitX--The Alteration of HabitXI--Will and the PsychoanalystsXII--ConcentrationXIII--A Program of WorkXIV--The Daily ChallengeXV--Second and Third WindsXVI--Moral Courage Excerpt Y...
Regular price $18.72
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by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri (Translator), Amma (Other), Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Other)Through This Book, The Eighth Volume Of Awaken Children, Mother's Infinite Wisdom Is Flowing Once Again. By Speaking To Us Through This Book, Our Beloved Mother Is Inspiring And Uplifting Us. Mother's Words Are Shining Rays Of The Truth Which Carry The Immortal Message Of The Absolute Reality To Us. Most Of The Events In This Book Took Place During The Year 1986. We Can Find Amma's Teachings On A...
Regular price $31.45
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by Eloy Caballero (Author)La historia oculta del tiempo es un viaje de exploraci n por la cr nica del conocimiento cient fico, filos fico y religioso, en busca de una idea del tiempo: desde los presocr ticos hasta la teor a de la relatividad; desde las dos caras del tiempo de los mitos egipcios hasta la psicolog a de la percepci n temporal, desde la escatolog a de los ltimos d as hasta los viajes en el tiempo, desde el tiempo absoluto de Plat n y Newton hasta el tiempo relativo de Arist tele...
Regular price $23.76
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by Confucius (Author)What the great learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence. The point where to rest being known, the object of pursuit is then determined; and, that being determined, a calm unperturbedness may be attained to. To that calmness there will succeed a tranquil repose. In that repose there may be careful deliberation, and that deliberation will be followed by the attainment of the desired end.Confucius wa...
Regular price $21.51
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by Dionysius Rogers (Author)A collection of essays on topics concerning the Gnostic Catholic Church as reformed by Aleister Crowley and his successors: organization, doctrine, symbolism, and history. Also includes instruction in a modified form of Ignatian meditation for Thelemites. The ambition of these talks, papers, and prayers is to supply a hearty breakfast of Scientific Religion to those who have drunk and danced all night with Doubt, so that they may have the energy and endurance to do...
Regular price $48.96
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by Klaus Robering (Editor)Classifying objects --- thus collecting them into classes --- is an operation both fundamental and common in everyday life as well as in scientific endeavours. Logic, philosophy, mathematics and computer science analyse this activity by means of such notions as class', set', and type'. Furthermore, according to the so-called logical (or naive) conception of classes", these notions are related to the notion concept' in that classes are considered extensions' of...
Regular price $58.21
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by Pascah Mungwini (Author)Some of the most provocative questions confronting philosophers in Africa are grounded in the historical memory of conquest and the peripheralisation the continent. Mungwini offers a critical reconstruction of indigenous Shona philosophy as an aspect of the African intellectual heritage held hostage by colonial modernity. In this comprehensive work, he lays bare the thoughts of the Shona, who are credited with the founding of the ancient Great Zimbabwe civilisation....
Regular price $20.18
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by Shmuly Yanklowitz (Author)When the news of the world moves at supersonic speed, and the rising tides of rancor and partisan division take hold of the popular imagination, what is the best course of action to stem the tide of bitterness and resentment? Are we to remain cynical and silent or are we to be bold and audacious? Are we to stay within the squares of mediocrity, or launch ourselves head first into new, dynamic modes of thought and interaction? The postmodern mind allows for the gre...
Regular price $51.28
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by Diana Lynn Kekule (Author)Come forth into the light of things, Let nature be your teacher. William WadsworthWhen you look into the eyes of an animal, do you see its inner beauty? Do you sense the life-force within a tree? Do you hear sweetness in birdsong? Do you feel the heartbeat of a stone in your hands? If you answered "yes" to any of these, it means you have connected with the divine consciousness of that being--its spirit-soul. These are just a few of the infinite ways to commune wit...
Regular price $17.28
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by Swamini Krishnamrita Prana (Author), Amma (Other), Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Other)When We Sit By The Ocean We See The Constant Movement Of Waves Rolling Against The Shore. Just Like The Waves, Thoughts And Emotions Are Ever Changing. Yet If We Look A Little Further Under The Surface, We Find The Deep Stillness That Is Always There. So Too It Is With Love. Underneath Our Wavering Feelings We Find The Deep Peace That Lies Within. If We Allow Ourselves To Open Up, We Realize It Is Not E...
Regular price $30.17
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by Siksananda (Translator), Bhikshu Dharmamitra (Translator)"The Ten Bodhisattva Grounds" is an annotated English Translation by Bhikshu Dharmamitra of Tripitaka Master Śikṣānanda's circa 699 ce Sanskrit-to-Chinese translation of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra, Chapter 26. This text describes in great detail the ten highest levels of bodhisattva practice on the path to buddhahood as taught in that sutra. This edition of the translation includes the P. L. Vaidya Sanskrit text. The Sanskrit section ...
Regular price $27.32
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by Peter Redpath (Author)This book's chief aim is novel and radical: to reunite philosophy, science, and wisdom (which had initially been separated several centuries ago by Ren Descartes) through a synthesis of two new interpretations, one of the nature of ancient Greek philosophy and science, and, two, of the metaphysical teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas about philosophy and science. Number of Pages: 320 Dimensions: 0.72 x 9 x 6 IN Publication Date: November 04, 2019
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by Peter Redpath (Author)Nothing short of a metaphysical disturbance and metaphysical revolution of the highest order can resolve the West's and the world's current cultural, political, and civilizational problems. Dr. Redpath's contribution to resolving this metaphysical crisis has been chiefly to add to the vision of his mentors the dimension that the only way to reunite science and wisdom is through uniting philosophy and science, and the only way to reunite philosophy and science is throu...
Regular price $12.13
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by Idries Shah (Author)How can it be that the same story is found in Scotland and also in Pre-Columbian America? What can account for the durability and persistence of tales? Was the tale of Aladdin and his wondrous lamp really taken from Wales (where it has been found) to the ancient East and, if so, when and by whom?These questions and more are answered in Idries Shah's remarkable volume World Tales, which is subtitled, 'The extraordinary coincidence of stories told in all times, in all pla...
Regular price $21.53
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by Moritz Schlick (Author), Fritz Lewertoff (Translator), André Michaud (Translator)This volume includes the first English translation of Max Planck's lecture Positivism and the Real External World (translated by Fritz Lewertoff and Andr Michaud) and a new publication of Moritz Schlick's response Positivism and Realism.This valuable book should be of interest to experts, students and all interested in the question of the nature of scientific theories, i.e., what science tells us about the ex...
Regular price $18.95
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by Anne Hendershott (Author)When toxic envy grows unchecked, it will inevitably destroy an individual, a family, a society -- even a civilization. In our day, envy has reached its tipping point, fueling acts of anger, violence, and revenge in America's cities and corporate boardrooms.In this timely and brilliantly written book, Anne Hendershott argues that the political class, social media, and advertisers have created a culture of covetousness by relentlessly provoking us to envy others and ...
Regular price $196.65
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by John M. Doris (Author)John M. Doris has been a leading proponent of interdisciplinary approaches to moral psychology since their rise to prominence in the 1990's. His work has helped foster a methodological reorientation in the field, and has had a transformative effect on the way philosophers approach questions of character, virtue, and agency. This volume collects a selection of Doris' work spanning 20 years, focusing on the ways in which human personality orders (and fails to order) mor...