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A Book of Carnegie Libraries (1917) - Hardcover

A Book of Carnegie Libraries (1917) - Hardcover

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by Theodore Wesley Koch (Author)

Originally published in 1917 A BOOK OF CARNEGIE LIBRARIES by THEODORE WESLEY KOCH. Text extracted from opening pages of book: PREFACE: FOR the delay that has made this volume so far behind the plates which it was designed to accompany I make no apology. A combination of circumstances has prevented its earlier com pletion, and it has seemed better to follow the lines originally laid down for the work, rather than to delay it for still further revision. Plates and text together may have at least an histori cal value, and the library building development of the last dec ade might well be made the subject of a supplementary volume. The list of plates printed to accompany the original portfolio is bound with the present volume, as it contains in handy form for reference the names of architects and in some cases the amount of Carnegie donations. In making up the book, however, it has seemed advisable to rearrange the plates somewhat, and the list cannot be used as an index to the illustrati

Number of Pages: 364
Dimensions: 0.94 x 8.5 x 5.5 IN
Illustrated: Yes
Publication Date: November 04, 2008