by Minerva Ortega (Author)
Bilingual Books for Children, designed by professionals to introduce early learning concepts in a fun a way to support bilingual education.Our bilingual books' goals: -Dual Literacy: Introduces reading, cursive & script writing.-Communication and Language: Introduces vocabulary in English & Spanish.-Physical Development: Boosts learning through interactive reading and play.-Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Improves self-confidence and self-awareness boosting language skills.-Mathematics: Helps learning numbers and shapes.-Brain development through analytical thinking
Author Biography
Minerva Ortega founded "Reto Bilingue" to promote bilinguism all over the world, its mission is to share and provide parents with resources, tips and experiences from bilingual and multilingual families as well as information on educational bilingual strategies. From the moment she knew she was pregnant, Minerva made the vow to raise her son bilingual, so Spanish and English would be part of his life from day one; her son is fully bilingual English and Spanish since he was 3 years old; she developed and designed a method to teach him languages through play. Minerva has worked and lived in Mexico and United States going back and forth, and has visited several countries around the world learning from different cultures; she is an Industrial Engineer and holds a MBA in Marketing and discovered her additional vocation in the field of education. Minerva continues developing material and resources for parents to support bilingualism at home working with support from professionals in the field. For more information please visit ******************************************************************************** Minerva Ortega fundó "Reto Bilingüe" para promover el bilingüismo alrededor del mundo, su misión es compartir y proveer recursos, consejos y experiencias de familias bilingües y multilingües, como también información de estrategias de educación bilingüe. Desde el momento que ella sabía que estaba embarazada, Minerva hizo el voto de educar a su hijo bilingüe, así el español y el inglés serían parte de su vida desde el día uno; su hijo es completamente bilingüe inglés y español desde los 3 años; ella desarrolló y diseñó un método para enseñarle idiomas a tráves del juego. Minerva ha trabajado y vivido en México y Estados Unidos yendo y viniendo, y ha visitado varios países alrededor del mundo aprendiendo de diferentes culturas; ella es Ingeniero Industrial, tiene un MBA en Mercadotecnia y ha descubierto una vocación adicional en el campo de la educación. Minerva continúa desarrollando material y recursos para familias para apoyar el bilingüismo en casa, trabajando con apoyo de profesionales en el campo. Para más información visita:
Number of Pages: 58
Dimensions: 0.15 x 8.5 x 8.5 IN
Publication Date: April 23, 2018