by Don Loyd (Author)
Private lending, also known as hard money lending, is an excellent investment opportunity for a private lender. If you do your homework on each transaction, you are almost guaranteed a solid return on your investment. You just need to research your options, and you need to check every step of the process with your own eyes. If you do these two things, you greatly increase your chances of success!Private lending is a great alternative to traditional stocks and bonds. It does take more effort and patience than traditional methods. However, the returns are far more gratifying. Rather than just pushing a button to buy and sell, you are directly involved with every step of the process. The rewards are directly linked to the effort you place into it. Better yet, you have the potential to profit from every investment, every time.In this book, we're going to go over everything you need to know to get started in the private lending game. By the time you finish this book, you will know how to invest, where to invest it, and what to look for in a successful loan. Let's get started.
Number of Pages: 92
Dimensions: 0.19 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: November 04, 2016