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by Peter Barratt (Author)
Circle of Fire tells the story of the Union side-wheel sloop of war Susquehanna in the War of the Rebellion. From chasing elusive Confederate blockade runners and commerce raiders to bombarding Rebel shore fortifications - the Susquehanna's tale is based on contemporary records backed up with rarely published photos, maps and engravings of the vessel, her commanders and crew and the battles she fought in. Following her return from duty with the Mediterranean squadron she is soon in the thick of the action at Hatteras Inlet and Port Royal. Circle of Fire is more than the story of a Union warship in the Civil War. it is a glimpse into the inner workings of the blockade of the Confederacy as seen through the career of one of the Union navy's longest serving warhorses. the USS Susquehanna. The text is profusely illustrated throughout and there are appendices containing a crew roster, ship plans and specifications.
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