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by J. Douglas (Editor), U. Hornung (Editor), Jim Jr. Douglas (Other)
Parallelizable Methods for Modeling Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media.- A Multifractal Analysis of Dispersion During Miscible Flow in Porous Media.- Homogenization in a Perforated Domain Including a Thin Full Interlayer.- Indirect Determination of Hydraulic Properties of Porous Media.- Reactive Flows in Porous Media: The Reaction-Infiltration Instability.- A Study of the Effect of Inhomogeneities on Immiscible Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs.- A Massively Parallel Iterative Numerical Algorithm for Immiscible Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs.- Two-Dimensional Solute Transport.- Multiphase Saturation Equations, Change of Type and Inaccessible Regions.- A Central Limit Theorem for Multiscaled Permeability.- Front Tracking for the Unstable Hele-Shaw and Muskat Problems.- Regularity and Uniqueness Results for Two-Phase Miscible Flows in Porous Media.- Distributed Microstructure Models of Porous Media.- Multidimensional Degenerate Diffusion Problem with Evolutionary Boundary Condition: Existence, Uniqueness, and Approximation.
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