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by Frost McKee (Author)
This book explains two American code languages that children love to speak. Pig Latin and Ung. It's the author's intention to introduce today's children to these languages and he hopes they have as much fun as he and his boyhood friends had speaking these secret languages. Recommended for Children 8 to fifteen years.
Frost McKee is one of America's leading experts on memory training. He is listed in the 1994, 1995, and 1996 Guinness Book of World Records". Frost memorized the random sequence of thirty six decks (1,873) of shuffled playing cards, in one sitting, with only eight mistakes. He has presented his memory training seminar "Memorobics" for fortune 500 companies, colleges, universities, and many others. You may have seen one of his guest appearances on national television. McKee is the author of two non-fiction books: "Frost's Password System" and "Remembering People's Names For Seniors"
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