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Test-Driving the Future: Autonomous Vehicles and the Ethics of Technological Change - Paperback

Test-Driving the Future: Autonomous Vehicles and the Ethics of Technological Change - Paperback

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by Diane Michelfelder (Editor)

This contributed volume examines ethical ramifications of the development and use of autonomous vehicles. From ethical emergencies akin to the classic trolley problem to more overarching effects on social and economic structures, this volume's discussion appeal to philosophers, social scientists, engineers, urban planners, and policy makers.

Author Biography

Diane Michelfelder is professor of philosophy at Macalester College. Her scholarly interests focus on the ethical dimensions of our relations to, and the design of, Internet-embedded technologies and technological systems. A past president of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, she is currently co-editor-in-chief of that society's journal, Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology.

Number of Pages: 186
Dimensions: 0.43 x 9 x 6 IN
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