by Alexandre Dumas (Author)
Enrich your reading experience with this timeless classic novel of adventure, betrayal, and revenge. This riveting tale revolves around the life of a young sailor who is falsely accused of treason and imprisoned for fourteen years in a remote island fortress. After a miraculous escape, he creates a new identity as a wealthy and enigmatic Count and seeks revenge on those who wronged him. This sweeping tale of justice and revenge captures the imagination of readers as they follow him on a journey where he comes across love, friendships, and danger.
A thrilling adventure novel filled with intrigue, passion, and suspense! A timeless classic tale with an intricate lot and unforgettable storyline An adventurously thrilling novel that captivates readers across generations A riveting novel that delves into the themes of vengeance, betrayal, and redemption A literary masterpiece weaving together mystery and suspense A perfect pick for literature lovers
Author Biography
Alexandre Dumas (1802- 1870) was a celebrated French author renowned for his historical novels. Dumas' storytelling prowess transcended borders, making him one of the most widely read authors in the world. His works remain cherished, adapted into numerous films and inspiring generations of writers, solidifying his enduring literary legacy.
Number of Pages: 1028
Dimensions: 2.3 x 8.8 x 5.8 IN
Publication Date: June 23, 2024