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The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge - Paperback

The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge - Paperback

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by Steven F. Pfister (Author)

The human mind is truly a phenomenal and creative treasure. It has given us dominion over the natural world and set us above all the other life forms we share it with. But in so doing, it has isolated in a world of our own making, one that has imprisoned and so restricted our awareness to a purely mind-based, lower frequency, egoic assessment of Life. The effect has left us chronically insecure, oblivious to the sacred presence of our Source and Creator, mere shadows of our true Eternal Nature on a chaotic, never-ending quest to be and have "more" that is intrinsic to that deception. That dark syndrome has been supported by a truly sinister force that is directly responsible for the evil that has plagued our kind for eons. But take heart, for there is far more things in heaven and earth then you could ever imagine.. There exists in the human spirit a profound yearning for truth and Love and a connection to something greater then ourselvers. It is our birthright and spiritual heritage, the reason we have been created and the sacred role we are destined to play here.

In these pages, the untapped reservoirs of higher knowledge are explored, transcending the boundaries of conventional thinking. From ancient philosophies to modern insights, this book serves as a guide to the profound wisdom that awaits those willing to embark on a quest for spiritual enlightenment.

Drawing on a tapestry of spiritual traditions, personal insights, metaphysical principles, and the timeless teachings of mystics, "The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge" illuminates the path to self-discovery offering glimpses into the profound truths that shape our existence. Whether you are a seeker on a spiritual journey or an explorer of the metaphysical, this book beckons you to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary.

And so, "The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge" would have you embark on a transformative journey through the realms of esoteric wisdom, inviting you to delve into the mysteries that lie beyond the ordinary and where ancient wisdom converges with contemporary insights, where the seeker becomes the sage, and where the profound truths of higher knowledge reveal themselves to those who dare to seek. This book is an invitation to transcend, transform, and tap into the boundless wisdom that resides within and beyond the everyday dictates of mind and thinking and to the truth that will set you free. Allow its wisdom to end your banishment and liberate you from the illusions of life as it educates, inspires and uplifts mind to the higher frequency of our Source and Creator. That omnipresent Spirit is the essence of this very moment, your true Eternal Nature and the love, unity and peace that is our sacred birth right and spiritual heritage. It awaits you here in this the ever present Now Moment within the silent stillness of your own very Beingness.

Are you ready and willing to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary and unlocks the gates to higher knowledge?

Late in January of 1967 a "spontaneous Kundalini rising" would unceremoniously awakened Steven from this dream of Life leaving him a confused and frightened stranger to a world he could no longer recognize of partake in. As time passed, he was able to integrate the higher frequency of the Kundalini energy into his daily life, come to terms with the illusion we have all been born into, and reconcile the conundrum of evil that would feed off the mayhem and suffering inherent in our ignorance and neglect. This is Steven's fifth book and the nature of Consciousness.

Number of Pages: 620
Dimensions: 1.37 x 8.5 x 5.5 IN
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