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by Lillie Martin Grubbs (Author)
By: Lillie Martin Grubbs, Pub. 1934, Reprint 2018, 612 pages, Index, 0-89308-947-8. Worth County was created in 1853 from Dooley and Irwin Counties. This book is not too different from other county history books of this era. With such topics as trade and transportation, labor, farming, politics, and race relations - all important in the development of the county - are carefully discussed. This type of county history book can help one develop ideas or paths to those missing ancestors by showing the customs and traditions of the local residents. A particular useful feature of this book is the extensive biographical information included. This volume contains more than 170 biographical sketches plus information on Confederate soldiers who immigrated to Worth County from other places along with data on Worth County residents who served in the Civil War.
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