by R. Leo Sprinkle (Author), Fowler Jones (Author), Donna Henriksen (Author)
"To say that John Foster encountered the Great Mystery throughout most of his life is a gross understatement." "...this 75-year-old retired engineer is going to rock your world." "...It was truly the start of an adrenaline rush that would propel me through several years of UFO research and interviews with some 3,000 'experiencers' all over the country. None would be so intriguing, so absolutely riveting, bizarre, far-out, instructive, challenging and representative of the entire UFO phenomenon as John Foster's incredible story, though." ........... Comments by Bob Teets - best selling author, investigative journalist, researcher, editor, publisher - former representative of the Human Potential Foundation. Bob has written an opinion/contribution in "Appendix A" of the book UFO Eminent Discovery Volume 2. -------- If you compare the mysterious cultural, scientific, and religious events of history with UFO Eminent Discovery, it will surely expand your knowledge of human life on earth. It is a story that will provide you with astonishing revelations concerning the true nature of UFOs, as well as an expanded view of the nature of our vast eternal universe. John Foster experienced an enormous number of periodic or intermittent so-called UFO encounters from his birth until he was 48 years old, as well as a few thereafter. His amazing story involves ancient and modern history, science and religion. If you have ever wondered if there is more to life than what we perceive through our normal five senses, if you have wondered if this is all there is, if you have wondered if we live at least a part of our lives beyond time and space, this story can give you deep insight into the nature of our lives on earth. It also can help you understand what might be happening to you if you have mysterious feelings that churn deep inside your soul. UFO Eminent Discovery Volume 1 and Volume 2 provide unexpected answers to some of the deepest questions that have plagued humankind since our very beginning. John tells the story just like it happened. It is a discovery into the hidden depths of human life on earth and beyond as we live our five senses and as we live eternally beyond death. John explains what it feels like to live beyond the human body. He begins establishing, beyond reasonable doubt, that UFOs are real. He then reveals to you how he discovered the mysterious encounters that had plagued him for over 46 years. He reveals to you in logical sequence and the most simple experiences, the narrations and analysis working throughout the book toward the more complex. Many freehand drawings and photographs are used so you can get a better picture to help you understand what happened and where it happened. John was never alone during this enormous number of encounters except for a few short episodes. Some witnesses have recalled some of what John recalled, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt that his and their memories are true and accurate. After reading Volume 1, you most surely will want to continue with Volume 2. And at the end of Volume 2, John encourages you to find out more concerning the suggested revelations that affect not only his life, but yours and all human life since the very beginning. You can find deeper analysis of what happened in his second book To Earth From Heaven, which he also has recently upgraded. In addition he has authored a smaller picture book so you can visually scan the story briefly. It is titled Eminent Discovery Illustration Picture Book. We hope you will join us on this exciting adventure of Eminent Discovery. It is compatible with Christianity, other religions, and ancient and modern history. It especially supports some of the mysterious happenings described in The Bible. Happy reading
Number of Pages: 208
Dimensions: 0.44 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: July 30, 2019