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Introducing The Titius Bode: Law - Paperback

Introducing The Titius Bode: Law - Paperback

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by Peet (P S. J) Schutte (Author)

What would make this book special or different from every other book ever written on science about science? What to expect when reading "this book" When the entire world excluding no one believes science has been confirmed and proven accurate leaving no room for doubt any where and I tell you science is based on fake presumptions to the point it is a hoax, will you believe me? When the most brilliant minds alive this past 500 years tell you that the entire solar system turns around the sun and I tell you that I prove in this book the Universe and all within turns around the earth's axis will you believe me? Where everyone in science confirms that the Universe expands while I tell you that is rubbish will you believe me? I say the Universe is all there is holding everything in its space so whereto can it expand while it is everything that is? Those that know confirm outer space is the coldest in the solar system while I say it is the hottest place there is in the solar system, who do you believe? They also say the sun is the hottest while I say it is the coldest, do you believe me? The most brilliant minds on earth the past 500 years tell you that science is the truth and nothing but the truth and then I prove that science as you know it is as fake as a $3.oo note all the while I ask you to read my proof will you read it? If I say science has not even the faintest idea what forms gravity while science at the moment explores Mars and builds space stations would you think I have lost my mind...if you do then you are joining everyone in science that refuses to read my work...notwithstanding that I prove how the Universe started from one spot and grew into this lot I go as far as saying that I prove 4 laws that science were unable / unwilling / uninterested to prove in 300 years. I prove explain mathematically The Titius Bode Law: The Lagrangian Points: The Roche limit and the Coanda Effect. Buy being able to cross this point of proving that gravity forms by The Titius Bode Law: The Lagrangian Points: The Roche limit and the Coanda Effect forming not only gravity but these laws form the entirety we think of as the cosmos. However with this breakthrough I found I am allowed to take the understanding of science much further than it could be explained previously. In this book as in all my books I call Creation by name and prove with science that we are in Creation being part of what God Almighty created. I employ science to prove that what controls Creation, is not part of the Universe but is invisible because visibility is Creation or the Universe. God Almighty controls the Universe and that part is true science. In mentioning this word "Creation" in a science book I break a ground rule enforced by the atheistic-dominated world of science. Science at present will bend the truth any which way to prove religion wrong and I prove science wrong ...And it is just this realisation that totally sinks me where I am searching for recognition... I explain Genesis 1 v 1 mathematically. I explain Genesis 1 v 1 using the language by which the Creator created the Universe and that is mathematics. I prove Genesis 1 verse 1 to be correct by using mathematics. The Titius Bode Law: The Lagrangian Points: The Roche limit and the Coanda Effect forms the Universe in as much as forming stars in spheres and forming galactica in circles. Everything in nature in the Universe applies these 4 phenomena in how space forms. These principles form space and materials. This is a process that produces space and that is how the Universe began before the Universe began in space. I started doing my research into Newtonian science, as long ago as 1976 or '77 into cosmology. I brought proof that science is a myth and found that there are four cosmic pillars on which the Universe and therefore the earth are built. Since then all my proving that Newton is fiction fell on deaf ears.

Number of Pages: 54
Dimensions: 0.14 x 11 x 8.5 IN
Publication Date: December 09, 2015