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by Karen E. Wells (Author)
Our specialised course on Grief and Bereavement Counselling is an add-on course to any counselling qualification enabling you to specialise in an emotive area of life.Each and every one of us will experience the pain of grief and will endure the process of bereavement at some time in our lives. As part of the human condition, it's an expected, even anticipated and yet unwelcome intrusion where no one is prepared fully for the moment of loss. This is why grief and bereavement counsellors are so important as they can use the relevant techniques and understanding to help their clients move forward beyond the pain of loss and take steps towards healing recovery.This course is intense and is written with qualified counsellors in mind as it does not provide all of the techniques of general counselling. It is possible to study this course alongside our Professional Counselling Diploma course if you wish to qualify in this field of expertise at the same time.Our easy to learn modules include: Introduction to your Professional Grief & Bereavement Counselling CourseAttachment, Grief & LossThe Mourning ProcessGrief CounsellingGrief & The FamilyThe Counsellor & GriefSummary & Final AssessmentBonus Lecture We are an accredited school of CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association) You can contact us to get video access to this course.
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