by Julia Ryan (Illustrator), Deborah Ann Dykeman (Author)
What do you decide in life, when one man is the perfect answer...but the other holds your heart? Annabella Barton is headstrong, independent and stubborn. Patience isn't one of her virtues either. After leaving Orin Langworthy at the altar, she seeks a place of refuge in St. Louis, Missouri. Annabella's Aunt Agnes welcomes her into her beautiful home on Lafayette Square. There, they live a busy life doing volunteer work at their church, City Hospital and the children's home. The three children they take into their home make life just about perfect, if not a little chaotic...until Orin Langworthy returns. Thomas Pratt has loved Annabella since the day she walked into his church. She cares for him as well and enjoys all the attributes he has, the same ones she has struggled to gain. But is that enough to build a marriage on? When the great tornado of May 1896 tears through St. Louis, the decisions Annabella needs to make become more difficult. Rubyville, Kansas, is there, as it always has been, for her place of refuge. But a town or the people that live there cannot correct the mistakes made. Follow Annabella as she struggles between the great lady her mother wants her to be, the Christian woman God has designed her to be, and her own way of doing things.
Author Biography
Deborah Ann Dykeman has been married for thirty-one years and has five fantastic children. At the last count, she had three wonderful sons-in-law and four grandchildren. She has homeschooled her children, taught Sunday school, been an AWANA director and worked as a CNA. She has been known to play the piano...but not well! A short period of time in a family Bluegrass band has rounded out her musical love, not to mention many really fun hours with her children. Her love of history has been the inspiration for the 'Rubyville' series. Many old towns lay silent and abandoned across the state of Kansas. Buildings stand, reflecting what they once were. The desire to remember these towns and the people that were a part of them is at the heart of this book. Deborah resides in the state of Kansas in the beautiful Flint Hills region. Deborah's first book, To Thee I'm Wed, was published in 2015. Rubyville: A Place of Refuge is the second in the 'Rubyville' series.
Number of Pages: 206
Dimensions: 0.47 x 9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: May 05, 2016