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by Joshua Robbin Marks (Author)
Jews are an ethnoreligious group indigenous to the Land of Israel. The Jewish people were scattered across the world during multiple exiles. What does our DNA tell us about our journey from our ancestral homeland of Judah to Europe or North Africa or the Middle East? What does it mean when your DNA test comes back as Ashkenazi or Sephardic or Mizrahi? What admixture is underneath these categories? These profound questions relating to Jewish genetics are just beginning to be answered and some questions might never be answered. But modern genetic science has offered a window into the Jewish past that previous generations of Jews could have only dreamed of. This book is for anyone interested in finding out their Jewish ancestry and interpreting the results. This DNA journey can provide unexpected twists and turns and surprising results so get ready. Ultimately, as it did for me, it will hopefully strengthen your Jewish identity and your connection to Am Yisrael, People of Israel.
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