by Edna Barney (Author)
"So Obscure a Person" tells the story of ALEXANDER STINSON Senior of Williamsburg and Buckingham County, Virginia. His life spanned almost the entire eighteenth century of Virginia and he is the progenitor of the Virginia STINSON family, including those who went further South after the Revolutionary War. This book, which includes five generations of his descendants, is the result of years of research at courthouses and libraries in Virginia and elsewhere. It is extensively documented with both embedded sources and footnotes, and is fully indexed. There is an excursus on the HOOPER family which includes his English maternal forebears, and his CABELL and MAYO cousins. The hardcover edition (ISBN 978-1-4357-1328-4) of this book is available at online booksellers and
Author Biography
The maternal forebears of Edna Barney were all Virginians. She has been researching and documenting the "Days of Their Lives" for more than fifty years, since a young teenager. She is the author of "PEYTONs Along the Aquia Genealogy," editor of "Peyton, of England and Virginia," and the author-creator of the website Neddy's Nook on the Net. She and her husband Cliff live in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Number of Pages: 256
Dimensions: 0.58 x 9.02 x 5.98 IN
Publication Date: August 08, 2008