by Steve Sabella (Author)
(hardcover and interior in black and white)
"The Artist's CurseCure" is an essential guide for artists looking to master their craft and make a living from their work. Written by renowned artist Steve Sabella, this book provides an engaging and informative read full of insights to get your creative career off the ground. Sabella gives readers a motivational course on living off art, navigating the complex self and the art world through a series of interconnected micro-narratives, tips, and focused short analyses.
With more than thirty years of experience in the art world, Sabella shares his secrets and learning process with readers in an easy-to-follow yet powerful way. This book is divided into 365 curses, covering topics such as creating and selling artwork, learning artistic and mental skills, on purpose & essence, the value of art, on artistic freedom, the artist's block, validation and recognition, networking, on the art career and much more. The dynamic design further adds to the alchemy of the book, making it an engaging read for art lovers.
This book is perfect for young artists who want a better foundation for their careers. It is also an excellent resource for those at any stage of their journey, providing insight and inspiration to help make a living by creating the art you love and staying true to your soul.
Number of Pages: 348
Dimensions: 0.94 x 8.5 x 5.5 IN
Publication Date: November 01, 2023