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by Cicely Rude (Author)
Use this invaluable resource book of interactive lesson plans and activities to introduce your students to the joys of learning English as a second language (ESL). These materials have been crafted for teaching the alphabet and English phonology, selected grammar patterns, conversation and meaningful self-expression in English. These highly communicative lessons and activities are based on current research and have been designed for use with diverse and multi-level groups of English language learners. This book contains the following: - Lesson plans that are easy to use - Handouts that are ready to photocopy - Games and activities that are adjustable and adaptable for multilingual and multi-level classes - Supplementary materials for teaching English phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse - Information about English language teaching as an additive and respectful practice
Cicely Rude lectures on ESL and EFL curriculum and instruction at the University of the Pacific.
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