by Wendy Shalit (Author)
Across the country, there's a youth-led rebellion challenging the status quo. In Seattle and Pittsburgh, teenage girls protest against companies that sell sleazy clothing. Online, a nineteen-year-old describes her struggles with her mother, who she feels is pressuring her to lose her virginity. In a small town outside Philadelphia, an eleventh-grade girl, upset over a "dirty book" read aloud in English class, takes her case to the school board. These are not your mother's rebels.
Drawing on numerous studies and interviews, the brilliant Wendy Shalit makes the case that today's virulent "bad girl" mindset truly oppresses young women. She reveals how the media, one's peers, and even parents can undermine girls' quests for their authentic selves, and explains what it means to break from the herd mentality and choose integrity over popularity. Written with sincerity and upbeat humor,
The Good Girl Revolution rescues the good girl from the realm of mythology and old manners guides to show that today' s version is the real rebel. Society may perceive the good girl as "mild," but Shalit demonstrates that she is in fact the opposite. The new female role models are not "people pleasing" or repressed; they are outspoken and reclaiming their individuality. These empowering stories are sure to be an inspiration to teenagers and parents alike. Join the conversation at
Author Biography
Wendy Shalit was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and received her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Williams College in 1997. Her essays have appeared in Commentary, Slate, the Wall Street Journal and other publications. Her first book, A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue, was published by the Free Press in 1999. The Good Girl Revolution is her second book.
Number of Pages: 352
Dimensions: 0.76 x 8.02 x 5.8 IN
Publication Date: July 08, 2008