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by William Layton Nelson (Author)
Dear Friends, I invite you now to take a scenic ride with me on the memory train to somewhere in the past. This is a reflective devotional that journeys into our past thoughts, dreams, ideas and events, to discover how God communicates to us through each of them to impact our today and shape our tomorrow. Taking a journey back in time will not always produce good and pleasurable results. The purpose of the trip down memory lane is not to avenge injustices of the past. The memories, whether painful or pleasant, are recorded to recall how God has brought us through situations and use circumstances as teaching moments. If also your journey is a mission of recompensing some kindly deeds rendered for which you desire to show gratitude, then journey on. On this journey, we will encounter peace, heavenly peace which only flows from the Holy City of God. I pray that you will be blessed as we journey together. William Layton Nelson, 2021.
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