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by Easy2digest Summaries (Author)
WARNING: PLEASE bear in mind that this book is a SUMMARY BOOK of The Longest Ride, NOT the full book Welcome to 'Easy2Digest' chapter by chapter SUMMARY, REVIEW and ANALYSIS of The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks... INSIDE you will find: - Book overview - A little bit about the author section - Chapter by chapter summary and review - Character involvement discussion - What emotional issues are raised EACH CHAPTER - What discoveries are made EACH CHAPTER - SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE 'BOOK CLUB' QUESTIONS - Overall book review Take a look through our SIMPLE yet EFFECTIVE book review/summary/analysis to decide whether you want to buy the book, OR if you have read the book already, our EXPERT summaries will refresh your memory and help you pick up anything you missed The summary is IDEAL for BOOK CLUB PARTIES and comes with chapter by chapter questions that are bound to start healthy discussions and discover the book in a whole new, beautiful way - No need to reread the book, EVERYTHING gets covered - EVERYTHING covered in a short but accurate summary - Bulletpoints and EASY layout allow for a QUICK read - ZERO BS - ZERO FILLER - An enjoyable, FUN read of a GREAT novel, You MUST take a look at our summary guide. We get STRAIGHT to the main issues in each chapter, no BS or FILLER - just pure GOLD from the GO. The summary guide is ideal for people looking to buy the book, and those who have already bought the book. Of course, since it's a summary, there will be spoilers inside Have fun Book party ahoy EasyToDigest Summaries
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