by Randall E. Auxier (Author)
Josiah Royce (1855-1916) has had a major influence on American intellectual life -- both popular movements and cutting-edge thought -- but his name often went unmentioned while his ideas marched forward. The leading American proponent of absolute idealism, Royce has come back into fashion in recent years. With several important new books appearing, the formation of a Josiah Royce Society, and the re-organization of the Royce papers at Harvard, the time is ripe for Time, Will, and Purpose. Randall Auxier delves into the primary texts written by Royce to retrieve the most poignant ideas, the ideas we need most in the present day, while he also offers a new framework for understanding the development of Royce's philosophy. Auxier responds to everything that has been written about Royce, both early and recent.
Author Biography
Randall E. Auxier is Editor of the Library of Living Philosophers and Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is editor of Responses to Royce (2000) and co-editor of Hartshorne and Brightman on God, Process, and Persons (2001), The Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka (2006), and The Philosophy of Michael Dummett (2007).
Number of Pages: 424
Dimensions: 1 x 8.9 x 6 IN
Publication Date: December 10, 2013